Our Plumbers are Experts for all Your Plumbing and Heating Systems in Frome, Somerset

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Hancock's Plumbing Middlesex

Bathroom Design

We are specialised in bathroom design in Frome and we offer a trusted and friendly service in bathroom design in Frome. Additionally, the consultation, which also takes place during our kitchen design service, gives our designers the opportunity to assess the layout of your current bathroom, before issuing a free, no-obligation quote. 

Hancock's Plumbing Repairs

Central Heating

In large properties, it is not cost-effective to try and heat your entire home. To prevent your energy bills from rocketing, call on our heating engineers to install zonal heating in your home. This allows you to heat specific parts of your home individually, improving energy efficiency and reducing your monthly costs.

Hancock's Plumbing Middlesex

Bathroom Design

We are specialised in bathroom design in Frome and we offer a trusted and friendly service in bathroom design in Frome. Additionally, the consultation, which also takes place during our kitchen design service, gives our designers the opportunity to assess the layout of your current bathroom, before issuing a free, no-obligation quote. 

Hancock's Plumbing Repairs

Central Heating

In large properties, it is not cost-effective to try and heat your entire home. To prevent your energy bills from rocketing, call on our heating engineers to install zonal heating in your home. This allows you to heat specific parts of your home individually, improving energy efficiency and reducing your monthly costs.

Our Services

Exceptional plumbing and heating solutions.


Rejuvenate your property, while also significantly increasing its value on the open market, with our bathroom and kitchen design and installation services.



Your central heating and boiler are crucial to keeping your home warm. Choose our heating upgrades, servicing, and repairs to ensure you aren't shivering this winter.



Solar panels and air source heat pumps are just two of the solar installations that will help to reduce your energy bills and allow you to remove your boiler entirely.



Protect the tenants occupying your rental properties, and ensure that you remain compliant with the law, by securing a CP12 landlord safety certificate from us.

About Us

Hancock's Plumbing & Heating

About Us

Both heating and plumbing systems have the potential to cause irreparable damage at your property. Rely on assistance from expert, qualified good plumbers and heating engineers when you require repairs, installations, or servicing. At Hancock's PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD, in Frome, Somerset, our team covers all aspects of plumbing and heating, from designing and installing kitchens to fixing leaking taps and boilers. For more than 20 years we have maintained reasonable rates and provided a professional, friendly service to clients in a diverse range of properties. Using more than 30 years of experience, our team has developed an exceptional reputation for emergency responses and fully guaranteed work. Free, no-obligation quotes are available to every customer, while each of our team is Gas Safe™ and OFTEC registered.

About Us

Hancock's Plumbing & Heating

About Us

Both heating and plumbing systems have the potential to cause irreparable damage at your property. Rely on assistance from expert, qualified good plumbers and heating engineers when you require repairs, installations, or servicing. At Hancock's PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD, in Frome, Somerset, our team covers all aspects of plumbing and heating, from designing and installing kitchens to fixing leaking taps and boilers. For more than 20 years we have maintained reasonable rates and provided a professional, friendly service to clients in a diverse range of properties. Using more than 30 years of experience, our team has developed an exceptional reputation for emergency responses and fully guaranteed work. Free, no-obligation quotes are available to every customer, while each of our team is Gas Safe™ and OFTEC registered.